Letter to President Trump 3 April 2022

April 3, 2022








Mr. President

There is not enough room to list all of your positive accomplishments since 2016. I want to thank you for your efforts. This high volume of work is what you should be remembered for. If what is being said about the vaccine is true and it is deadly over a long period of time and irreversible, people will remember only that you let it happen without stopping it. This is not something I will promote or others will but, it will happen on its own. Now, not August or September, is the time for you to make the truth about the vaccines known, good or bad!



Mr. President

Please explain why you endorse the vaccines when many doctors claim there are toxins and many adverse reactions which will come about in the next few months/years due to the reprogramming of genes. You say you were responsible for the vaccine production. What is in it and how safe is it? Please watch some of this ---- https://www.bitchute.com/video/bX1TBiiezD3d/

Antidote information starts about 45 minutes in. You have a spotless record for doing the right thing so far. If the vaccine is going to cause problems people will assume you had previous information about it and did not tell us for political reasons. On your website, please make a CLEAR, not ambiguous, statement about Covid, the vaccine and why we need a vaccine for a disease that is less dangerous than two of the last three year's flu. A mistake can be forgiven. Withholding information costing many people's lives cannot. PLEASE TELL US THE WHOLE TRUTH.


forbiddenknowledgetv.net  https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/why-does-trump-keep-promoting-the-vaccine/

Why Does Trump Keep Promoting the Vaxxine?


 Dr David Martin joins Man In America host, Seth Holehouse to talk about the motives for the death shot. He says that 30 years ago, it was known that Social Security was going to run out but rather than solve this, the fund was instead raided continuously and is currently set to run out in 2028. He says that the targeting of those 65-and-older as the first in line to receive the jab was…..



COMMENTARIES: To choose to know is to accept a heavy burden. To choose not to know is a fool’s delight. Roy King January 2022


We are getting a change in attitude in this country. The following illustrates how far we have drifted off course.

They walked in tandem, each of the ninety-two students filing into the already crowded auditorium. With their rich maroon gowns flowing and the traditional caps, they looked almost as grown up as they felt. Dads swallowed hard behind broad smiles, and Moms freely brushed away tears. This class would NOT pray during the commencements, not by choice, but because of a recent court ruling prohibiting it. The principal and several students were careful to stay within the guidelines allowed by the ruling. They gave inspirational and challenging speeches, but no one mentioned divine guidance and no one asked for blessings on the graduates or their families. The speeches were nice, but they were routine until the final speech received a standing ovation. A solitary student walked proudly to the microphone. He stood still and silent for just a moment, and then, it happened. All 92 students, every single one of them, suddenly SNEEZED !!!! The student on stage simply looked at the audience and said, 'GOD BLESS YOU' And he walked off the stage... The audience exploded into applause. This graduating class had found a unique way to invoke God's blessing on their future with or without the court's approval. Isn't this a wonderful story? Pass it on to all your Friends ......... and



DECEMBER 6, 2021 - MINOR FACT no wars started by Trump, many ended - https://107daily.com/upload/photos/2021/12/jCWIBEZuewPmx7fjOpqf_06_8cd45a30888453c90583558b2f87eda8_image.jpg


January 13,2021


February 16, 2022

Unmasking whats hidden behind the emperor with no cloths BY MARK WILLIAM


March 8, 2022

Status of Ukraine by Mark William







Europe is at the epicentre of the global coronavirus pandemic once again after the relaxation of Covid restrictions and sluggish vaccine rollouts have brought the continent to a “critical point”, according to the World Health Organization. Express.co.uk has compiled a list of all the European nations which currently have restrictive lockdown rules for those who have not had the jab.

Austria is preparing to roll out a full nationwide lockdown - the country to reimpose full lockdown measures after lifting them.


From Monday, Slovakia is banning anyone who has not been vaccinated from visiting non-essential shops and shopping centres.


Lawmakers in Germany banned unvaccinated people from using public transport on Friday as new infections surpassed 50,000 for the third day running.

Employees will need to prove they are vaccinated, have recovered from Covid or show a negative test to access communal workplaces.

The Czech Republic

The Czech Republic announced tighter restrictions for unvaccinated people this week, in a bid to encourage vaccine uptake.

The Netherlands

The Dutch Government is considering altering its Covid pass to stop unvaccinated individuals from entering indoor public venues.


Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis announced a battery of new restrictions late Thursday for the unvaccinated, keeping them out of venues including bars, restaurants, cinemas, theatres, museums and gyms, even if they have tested negative.


A curfew for unvaccinated individuals is currently in effect in Romania.


Ukraine has one of Europe’s lowest vaccination rates and therefore the Government is offering money for individuals to get the jab.

The Government has made it mandatory for teachers, doctors, government employees and other groups of workers to be fully vaccinated by December 1.


Over in Australia ? (bitchute.com)

Brisbane AU: Rally Against Mandates, & Covid Passports (bitchute.com)



Melbourne for Freedom - Amazing Drone footage - Reports of 500,000 People United (bitchute.com)



Ricardo Bosi Australia One (bitchute.com)



Rotterdam Police Open Fire Injuring Two Protesters During Anti Lockdown Protests (bitchute.com)




February 2, 2021


Recently, I had three very interesting conversations. One of my best friends who feverishly kept up with current events out of amazement and curiosity had gotten severely depressed (I did too) since the inauguration. I wanted to cheer her up a little with some active news showing it wasn’t over. She wasn’t really interested. Hope was not gone but disinterest had become a shield against disappointment. A Boy Scout friend asked me about vaccines. I had to confess I wouldn’t take it. When he asked why, I told him it wasn’t a vaccine. The makers say it probably won’t stop you from getting the virus. I didn’t know everything that was in it but the published contents by the pharmaceutical companies was bad enough to stop me. Besides, they have no liability for the product. Many people are dying within two weeks after taking it. He looked at me suspiciously and said he had not heard anything about that on the news. I found out from another conversation my sister was severely concerned over the content below and was worrying about the political situation constantly. So much it could affect her health.


The overwhelming majority of people in the USA are actively working or going to school each day and might get a few minutes to watch mainstream media. Since mainstream reporting ranges from out-and-out lying supporting what has become a socialist agenda, omitting important events that would not support what has become a socialist agenda to twisting, editing and revising articles to support what has become a socialist agenda. Notice that in the sentence above there were no items supporting anything other than what has become a socialist agenda. It takes time to do the amount of research required to obtain the truth. Unless you are doing that as your job, retired or independently wealthy there is not enough time available to get to the truth. In President Trump’s speech on July 4th he asked all who could to let others know what is actually happening. Many of us started posting on social media good articles we found about current events. Almost every post was a proven factual statement. A few were my opinion. Many of my posts started being labeled with disclaimers. I could tolerate that. But, when they started censoring the President it was too much. I moved to Parler and now Parler is gone. The MSM and social media are censored to the point the truth cannot get out. However, there are a few who started as bloggers and moved to video reporting which have consistently provided reliable accounts, which consisted mostly of facts, with very little opinion, of current events. Their reports tend to be very accurate unless the events are delayed or altered. Some of these are what you find below. The above events are why I started posting the best and most factual articles I could find with the help of others all over the world.


To my friends, please read the articles with the idea that there is a plan being executed to swing the pendulum of politics and world commerce in a good direction. Dates may change and battles may be lost. But, the war has already been won. The news of that win will come only when the fighting is over. At that point the emergency broadcast system will come on and spread the news. Bits and pieces cannot be totally hidden and they will be provided below. There is no need of fear or depression due to the hardest parts already being done. The original plan was formed by a group of generals in the 1950’s. it was set back by the assassination of JFK. That turned out to be a big mistake! His son swore he would hold his murderers accountable if he had to bring the WHOLE GOVERNMENT DOWN! I think before this year is out we will find out that with the help of 200 generals and Trump that is exactly what he did. The execution of the present version of the plan was started in 2015. It has gone well.


This is a world-wide effort and we need to participate. There is no need to worry or fear. There will be some delays for people to learn the truth. The truth will only come out after the emergency broadcast. Until then the military and Trump have a good handle on the needed actions. You will see some of those actions reported here. Our help is not needed with guns or protests. Our help is urgently needed to help get the factual news out to friends and loved ones. Send them the link “CONCEPTS AND PROOFS”. Let them read the posts below and make up their own mind. Or, copy and send the link below you like best. Currently, due to the insurrection act, Trump is still president and the military is still in charge until the arrests are complete. Q: THE BEST IS YET TO COME!


February 3, 2021
BOMBS AWAY! Lindell, Fanning, Shiva & Pulitzer Drop A MOAB on the [DS]! MUST SEE Insider Interview!

JFK Blows The Whistle on Secret Societies! - YouTube and the mass media


February 4, 2021

VITAL Information On Vaccines - PLEASE SHARE (bitchute.com)

My Pillow Guy to Release Three Hour Documentary on Friday that will Expose the Stolen Election (bitchute.com)

February 5, 2021 CONSPIRACY FACT!

Mike Lindell - Absolute Proof (bitchute.com)    BEST EVER!!!


 February 8, 2021

 I usually do not post opinion pieces. But, if you view the videos and examine the facts presented there is no escaping the conclusions presented.
Banned on YouTube: President Trump's War on Human Trafficking (bitchute.com)




February 12, 2021




What to believe?

That is the question that must be answered. The answer to that question starts with another question. Who do I believe? For the first time in centuries we are getting clearly opposing stories from two groups of people.


Group 1 says:

1.      We should love all people equally and provide for our brothers from other countries. We should not have borders holding back the people in need.

2.      We should give the government the authority to spread the wealth equally between the haves and have-nots. The only way to achieve a utopian society is with a strong government.

3.      Basics for living should be guaranteed by the government.


Group2 says:

1.      We should love and respect all people equally but it is impossible to resolve other countries problems by moving all their disadvantaged and oppressed people here. Mathematically, that does not work here and does not solve the problem there. Opening the borders provides no protection from child trafficking and drugs in one direction and guns in the other direction.

2.      Socialism has been proven time and time again not to work. It always ends in poverty for 80% percent of the people and riches for the totalitarian ruling class. It never starts that way but within 20 years, the end result is in sight. Pure capitalism creates a wealthy class and an impoverished working class. Only when there is equal opportunity for all to succeed and no biases applied for or against classes, races or ethnicities will people be free to succeed. Some government is necessary to ensure equal opportunity and laws consistent with the constitution across states. Too much government defeats its very purpose.

3.      People who are ill or handicapped should be provided what basic needs they cannot attain. People of limited means should have a path open where with work and effort their definition of success can be attained. People with extraordinary means should be limited from taking advantage of others by monopoly or other unusual, selfish or sadistic practices. People who can work should have a path open to them for success.


This leads to a very confusing choice of who is the group I should believe in. People may say Group 1, the Democrats, are obviously the more loving and caring group and the Republicans only want big business and more money. This is the story we have been fed all our lives and is not even close to the truth. Every election until 2016 has been scripted to project this story. Democrats get into control and government is expanded and giveaway programs are created to grow a class of people dependent on the government. Republicans get into control and an economic climate for heavy industry is created to make it better for manufacturing to move out of the USA. I have watched our country decline into socialism since the 50’s and manufacturing move over seas since the 70’s. Why did this happen? It happened because The Democrats and Republicans are controlled by Group 1. Why would Group 1 lead the USA into socialism with limited manufacturing? The answer should be obvious by now. Group 1 (The Cabal, Deep State) will be the ruling group of a socialistic country with total control over laws and trade. To sum it up as to what the motive is for destroying our country and having a population impoverished and looking to the government for survival only one word is needed, money.


1.      Why does Group 1 want open borders? This is a major source of income from drugs, guns, and human trafficking. It also supplies a cheap source of labor.

2.      Why does Group 1 want a strong government? Because they will be at the top of the totalitarian ruling class deciding our future. This last election showed we no longer vote in this country and we are already in a totalitarian society. This group being in charge is not something that is going to happen. It has already happened.

3.      If people do not work and everything is supplied by the government, eventually, there are very few haves and most are have-nots. Ask Venezuela!


In 2015 a new group appeared on the political scene. It was neither Democrat nor Republican. It was mostly military, currently active and retired. Many civilians were also included. In our myopic vision of Group 2 we see a few hundred generals and citizens trying to change politics in the USA. This is not the situation at all! Both Groups are world-wide and each consisting of loosely knit working sub groups cooperating to bring about their goals. Group 2 (the Alliance, short for Earth Alliance) approached Trump in 2015 to convince him to run for President. Trump had been a Democrat for many years but Group 2 made a place for him in the Republican party.


1.      Group 2 wants to provide Countries World-Wide with equal opportunity to function successfully without graft and crime.

2.      Group 2 wants to remove totalitarian tyrants who are using the people only to increase their personal wealth. They want to provide leaders who will work toward providing a government controlled by the people. Each country is controlling its own destiny. No ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT.

3.      Group 2 wants to provide equal opportunity for each country to succeed.


Both Group 1 and Group 2 have been fighting WW3 for the last 6 years. It started as a political challenge in the USA in 2015. In the first 6 months of 2016 the Cabal was removed from power in Saudi Arabia, several European nations were given notice of reform (later carried through) and many Arab nations were aligned for the coming peace with Israel. 2017, 18 saw economic growth in the USA without equal. This cold war was an economic and political war. The rich got richer and the poor got richer. 2019, 20 started the Hot war. People were being arrested for major pedophilia, drugs and human trafficking. Thousands of children were rescued from underground bases (Deep Underground Military Bases, “DUMBS”). Many high ranking political and elite public celebrities have been arrested and court marshaled resulting in imprisonment or death. 2021 is seeing a rapid increase in the clearing of DUMBS and arrests for treason. If all this is going on why do I not see it on the news? Group 1 controls the mainstream media (MSM). It’s that simple. If only 20% of what the alternative media is saying is true that places it at a significantly higher percentage than MSM. We will not have proof of any of this until it is explained over the emergency broadcast system (EBS). Till then, you will need to find alternative sources of news and compare.


Who do I believe? After watching my country being destroyed for the last 50 years by both political parties I have decided someone is controlling both of them. After watching crime being destroyed for the last 4 years and seeing my buying power increase for the first time since the 70’s I am inclined to support the Alliance. I have watched the Cabal use criminal and unethical methods to get what they want. Anyone who trusts someone who lies and steals is a fool. This is NOT just another 4 year election! We will not swing the pendulum back in the next election. What happens in the next two months will determine the direction the world will go for many generations. If the Cabal wins this war even in a small part and hangs on we will no longer have the right to vote. Similar to this election, you can vote all you want but the outcome will be determined by the Cabal and our freedoms will be removed one by one. I have never joined any political party. I only voted a straight ticket in the last two elections (with a couple of exceptions in those). The Alliance has formed a political party, The Patriot Party (guess who the president of the party is!). This is who I believe. THIS WAS LATER CONFIRMED BY TRUMP AS FAKE NEWS.


What do I believe? The war is almost over. Many of the Cabal have been arrested and dealt with. The majority will be taken in the next three months. But, those are only small battles. The war is not only a physical war between criminals and justice. It is a mental war to determine how to set up the world to be governed. Is it going to be a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT with totalitarian reign or individual government nations doing what works for their people? It is also a spiritual war between selfish greed and selfless caring. Do we care about others enough to help them? Would we take our comfort by limiting someone else’s? THE CHOICE IS THERE TO BE MADE AND IT CANNOT BE AVOIDED! To not make a choice is to go for the default status quo. This is what we have had for the past 50 years. The Alliance is waiting to finalize its position until the public is ready to remove the current government and then they will come on the EBS and tell us it has already been done!


February 19, 2021

The takedown of a world-wide cabal is not an easy task. Up to a point, it should appear to have failed in order not to excite the Cabal before being ready to complete the task. It is hard to be patient especially when you are directly attacked by being frozen and in the dark with no electricity. I don’t believe this was anticipated by the Alliance and has set the Plan back a few days. We are running out of time for the effective defeat of the Cabal. I feel if the EBS is not started within the next three weeks people will begin to acquiesce to government requests. Texas and Florida are standing up and resisting. Many individuals are resisting and reopening. We do not want a civil war. If the courts are not going to even hear evidence, civil war is all that is left. Tomorrow is the turning point. If SCOTUS does not pursue justice our only hope is a military solution. This has to be a swift and complete solution to avoid a civil war.


FOOT NOTE: January 20, 2022 - It has almost been a year since I wrote this. we are not much farther along (publically or visibly) toward defeating the Cabal. I still feel the EBS is the only way people will know the truth of what is happening.



February 21, 2021

I did not write this but, it is a clear definition that is important and timely.

A Right is the freedom to choose to do something without having to ask permission, or interfere with the rights of others.

Goods and services can never be a Right, because they require the time, labor, skills, and services of another person. No person can demand or command the time, labor, skills or services of another person, without mutual agreement. That would be slavery.

The only healthcare a person has a right to is self-care. Good diet, exercise, not polluting oneself with drugs or alcohol, and self-medication. Any medical care involving another person must be negotiated regarding services and agreed compensation. The other party is not required to agree or to provide services without compensation or on demand. Being cared for by other is not a Right.

Just because someone doesn’t want to pay for goods or services, doesn’t magically make them a Right.




March 6, 2021


This is the one thing that worries me the most about the Alliance. The vaccines are proceeding. It is clear there is no need for a vaccine for a disease that is less than .5% deadly. The only reason to have a vaccine is to distribute something. Only three possibilities exist.

1. The vaccine is totally passive and the Alliance is keeping the Cabal off guard.

2. The vaccine is distributing something unhealthy. The Alliance is letting the Cabal show their evil self.

3. The vaccine is distributing something unhealthy. The Alliance and the Cabal are on the same side.


The second thing that worries me about the Alliance is: I understand letting the Cabal show its true self by the Alliance replacing actors for actual high ranking members. But who is giving the direction to the actors? Yes, this buys time and names of Cabal members up the ladder. But, is this truly the Cabal directions or the Alliance directions? Again, only three possibilities exist.

1. The directions for the actors are coming from the Alliance. These will all be declared illegal when Trump is inaugurated.

2. The directions are coming from the Cabal and the actors have been told by the Cabal to follow their directions.

3. The Alliance and Cabal are on the same side.


The best case scenario is #1 for both concerns.

For the vaccine this is a plausible but not likely solution and does not fit the modus operandi established by the Alliance. The election was allowed to progress all the way through inauguration in order to have a committed crime and criminals to prosecute. No ATTEMPTED crimes. This possibility eliminates the criminals of crimes against humanity.

For the Actor’s directions, if the Alliance is providing directions, they would not be able to convict The Cabal members involved in the treason. Neither could they ever let the public know that happened. That would make the Alliance guilty of fraud.


The most likely scenario is case #2 for both concerns.

For the vaccine and directions this allows the Cabal to expose themselves to the public for what they are. This is necessary to wake the public up and not rebel when it is discovered the people they admire were executed or imprisoned. This will require commandeering the MSM (use the emergency broadcasting system) to explain what has happened.


If case #3 for both concerns is true there is no hope!


Mixing and matching of cases #1 & #2 are mutually exclusive.


We see an actor in the White House playing the part of POTUS. We have many members of Congress replaced. Dark Outpost 02-10-2021 Send In The Clones (bitchute.com)  Fighting and explosions are occurring under DC. The military will not work with Biden who displays senile tendencies. Biden cannot fly in AF1. Biden is working out of Castle Rock Studios. Many children have been rescued from underneath DC. The fences around DC are designed to keep people in, not out. The military is working with Trump. It is obvious what is being presented by the MSM is not what it appears to be and the country is not operating as would be expected. Governors are beginning to refuse lockdown. The movie has reached its climax and it is time for the hero to emerge victorious. Many nations are progressing through the EXACT SAME SCENARIO we are but we don’t hear about it on MSM. This is a world-wide movement and is soon to be recognized as such. Saudi Arabia. Myanmar, Germany, England, Vatican, Spain, Venezuela, England and China are in the process.



March 8, 2021

As promised by Trump we are starting to see “people of celebrity” (or their stand-ins) being arrested in March. I can only guess “What had to happen in February first” was the cleaning out of DC. I hope this can be completed enough by the 20th to allow an explanation over the EBS and the military to set aside the election.


In the mean time people are continuing to be vaccinated. Question – why would anyone take a vaccine with the approximately same death rate as the disease? Forget the other stuff in the vaccine for later extinction. The trashy metals and cellular material left over from manufacturing have been shown to be linked to autism, Alzheimer’s and other diseases. The manufacturers are immune to litigation or any responsibility for the product. There are many doctors clearly explaining the high probability of illness and death from the vaccine and none confirming the safety of the vaccine. There have been no long or short term tests to establish the safety of the vaccine. It is well established, with only a few exceptions, people under 35 have a low probability of any serious consequences from the virus. From 35-65 there are moderate chances of serious of serious consequences from the virus. Over 65 the death rate for the virus is about the same as for the vaccine. At any age, recovery from the virus is close to 100% if treated with hydroxychloroquine, zinc and antibiotic within the first 2 or 3 days of symptoms being recognized. If we have a cure with a high probability of success on a disease with a very low death rate, why do we need a vaccine?




March 13, 2021


Thomas Jefferson


His portrait is on the $2.00 Dollar Bill.

Thomas Jefferson was a very remarkable man who started  learning very early in life and never stopped.

At 5, began studying under his cousin's tutor.

At 9, studied Latin, Greek and French.

At 14, studied classical literature and additional languages.

At 16, entered the College of William and Mary.

Also could write in Greek with one hand, while writing the same in Latin with the other.

At 19, studied Law for 5 years starting under George Wythe.

At 23, started his own law practice.

At 25, was elected to the Virginia House of Burgesses.

At 31, wrote the widely circulated "Summary View of the Rights of British America," and retired from his law practice.

At 32, was a delegate to the Second Continental Congress.

At 33, wrote the Declaration of Independence.

At 33, took three years to revise Virginia's legal code and wrote a Public Education bill and a statute for Religious Freedom.

At 36, was elected the second Governor of Virginia, succeeding Patrick Henry.

At 40, served in Congress for two years.

At 41, was the American minister to France and negotiated commercial treaties with European nations along with Ben Franklin and John Adams.

At 46, served as the first Secretary of State under George Washington.

At 53, served as Vice President and was elected President of the American Philosophical Society..

At 55, drafted the Kentucky Resolutions and became the active head of the Republican Party.

At 57, was elected the third president of the United States .

At 60, obtained the Louisiana Purchase, doubling the nation's size.

At 61, was elected to a second term as President.

At 65, retired to Monticello.

At 80, helped President Monroe shape the Monroe Doctrine.

At 81, almost single-handedly, created the University of Virginia and served as its' first


At 83, died on the 50th Anniversary of the Signing of the Declaration of Independence, along with John Adams.

Thomas Jefferson knew, because he himself studied, the previous failed attempts at government. He understood actual history, the nature of God, His laws and the nature of

man. That happens to be way more than what most understand today.

Jefferson really knew his stuff...


A voice from the past to lead us in the future:

John F. Kennedy held a dinner in the White House for a group of the brightest minds in the nation at that time. He made this statement:

"This is perhaps the assembly of the most intelligence ever to gather at one time in the White House, with the exception of when Thomas Jefferson dined alone."


"When we get piled upon one another in large cities, as in Europe, we shall become as corrupt as Europe ."  -- Thomas Jefferson

"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."   -- Thomas Jefferson

"It is incumbent on every generation to pay its ' own debts as it goes. A principle which if acted on, would save one-half the wars of the world."   -- Thomas Jefferson

"I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people, under the pretence of taking care of them."  -- Thomas Jefferson

"My reading of history convinces me that most bad government   results from too much government."  -- Thomas Jefferson

"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms."  -- Thomas Jefferson

"The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."   -- Thomas Jefferson

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."  -- Thomas Jefferson

"To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes, the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical."   -- Thomas Jefferson



March 21, 2021

Facts about covid19


1.     Covid-19 is not a virus. Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is the virus that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), the respiratory illness responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic. Colloquially known as simply the coronavirus, it was previously referred to by its provisional name, 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV), and has also been called human coronavirus 2019 (HCoV-19 or hCoV-19).

2.     Covid-19 is a plan developed by a group of people to take over the world. The Plan started in 2005. Many written records and personal testimonies of people involved in the development of the virus are available.

3.     The virus was developed in America. Research was defunded here and refunded by the USA in Wuhan, China.

4.     The release and spread of the disease was not planned or executed only by the CCP. Governments, world-wide were coerced into executing the Covid-19 Plan.

5.     200,000-400,000 people in The USA did not die from Covid. Covid was not significantly more deadly than the normal flu we see each year. This has been confirmed by CDC’s records and publically admitted by the CDC. The initial reporting and recording of deaths was forcibly skewed to create a plandemic.

6.     The vaccine wasn’t brought in for the CovidCovid was brought in for the vaccine. Why do you need a vaccine for a flu that has a death rate lower than .02% (99.98% survival rate)? There has been more than 8000 serious incidents or deaths from the vaccine in the USA. Why give vaccine to children when there is almost no significant adverse effects or deaths in that age group from the flu?

7.     There has been many doctors who are experts in the MRNA, RNA and DNA field stating the vaccine is not a vaccine but is a reprogramming MRNA which can damage your immune system; leaving you incapable of surviving any similar attack after a year or two.

8.     Manufacturers of vaccines cannot be sued for negligence in the USA.

9.     Metals and fetal materials found in vaccines have been linked to diseases such as Alzheimer’s, ADD in children and other diseases.



APRIL 16, 2021



A friend of mine in Australia (yes, the world is watching) sent me an email about MATTHEW DEPERNO's court efforts on the election. Although the article was very positive my reply to her (below) was a little closer to what to expect from it.


Only one location, Antrim County, is getting a toe-hold on justice.



It will take two or more states with corrected counts to change the election. This will probably be too slow to make a difference. In the end, it will probably be a military solution since the upper courts are controlled by the Cabal/Deep State.  NOTE: January 21,2022 – Arizona finished their audit last fall and concluded there was fraud. Still no action!


The approval of Biden’s presidency is holding at –

“The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 49% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Biden’s job performance. Forty-nine percent (49%) disapprove.

The latest figures include 31% who Strongly Approve of the job Biden is doing and 41% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -10. (see trends)”

NOTE: January 21,2022 – 40% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Biden’s job performance. Fifty-eight (58%) disapprove. The latest figures include 20% who Strongly Approve of the job Biden is doing and 48% who Strongly Disapprove. Approval Index rating of -28


This has not changed significantly since the orders to open the border were issued over a month ago. This is not going to change! That 1/3rd of the active people in the US will always find some way in their mind to justify the Cabal’s actions. The brainwashing over the last generation was very effective and will not change without a change in the Main Stream Media (MSM)! Until it is broadcast for many days over the MSM what the Cabal is doing and what was done about it, that 30% will not change. Even then, most of the 30% will feel it is just political propaganda. The good part is that most of the 30% are that way because they are sheep just wanting to “fit in”. Only a few will react with conviction and action. These few truly believe socialism and communism and a totalitarian government is the way to live peaceably and provide a better life for everyone. They don’t realize this form of government has always, and in every case, led to poverty for all but a few. The governing few have. The governed have not. Capitalism or government by corporations is just as bad. Life is adjusted so the corporations profit and the corporate leaders “have” and the workers “have not”. The Cabal’s plan is to install both of these as a one world government run by the UN (over which the 13 Families have control). Until the facts are presented on MSM very few will wake up to what is actually happening. What is the Alliance and Trump waiting on?


The Alliance is focused on elimination of evil not bad. Evil is easily agreed to as child and human trafficking, human sacrifice, illegal drug distribution and supplying illegal guns for illegal wars. By definition, evil people are performing these evil tasks. Many “bad” efforts to create governments/corporations forming environments supporting these evil tasks are being performed by bad (selfish) people. According to the Alternative Media, the Alliance has done much to eliminate the evil. The real question is: does the Cabal still have enough clout to devastate humanity and is this being used to blackmail the Alliance? What the Alliance has been telling us is they are eliminating the evil but it is up to us to change the bad. To change the bad requires a change of heart in the majority and action by those with the changed attitude. We must let others know we feel it is not acceptable to support governments, corporations or people with corrupt, selfish or immoral agendas which hurt others (bad). This change in attitude is what is required or we will be back where we are now in forty years even if the Alliance eliminates the current evil!



April 21, 2021




My opinion only:

Many possibilities available today! I have to believe Putin and Trump are working together against the Cabal who is in charge of China. Ukraine is having many internal corruption problems just as the USA. The Cabal is strong there. All the facts Dave Hodges has presented (https://thecommonsenseshow.com/agenda-21-conspiracy-economics/several-world-leaders-including-putin-and-netanyahu-want-biden-gone-and-trump-appears-be-part-plot)

could be indicating two or more directions the world is heading. I don’t believe the Earth Alliance will allow a nuclear war. I do believe Putin/Trump know this and are not even considering it. I do believe the Cabal is pushing to start one.


I do believe China/Cabal is trying to take over the USA via the UN. WWIII is in progress with many kinetic battles in progress above and below ground. Digital and psychological warfare are also a part of the action. The human race and economy is what is being fought over.


I don’t believe the Alliance is waiting on the people to wake up and support them. Under the present MSM propaganda machine, everyone capable of being awakened has been. It will require a takeover of the MSM by the Alliance to change that significantly. We are at the point Admiral Byrd found himself at Antarctica when the Nazi/Alien fleet attacked. This time, we also have laser guns and saucers. The Alliance is jockeying to insure a victory with minimum losses. Unfortunately, due to Cabalistic vaccines (secondary effects now happening in India and will happen in northern hemisphere in October), MKULTRA-constructed shootings and weakening of national strength by alien invasion from the south our perception of ourselves and perception by others is deteriorating drastically. The question the Alliance has to ask itself: Even though more people may be alive when this is over by avoiding civil war, kinetic war with the Cabal and lack of support by 30% of the active people, will they be able to survive the vaccines and have enough understanding to resist future attempts by the dark forces to subdue the people of Earth? Enough has occurred so far that the people capable of changing their mind with an informed opinion have done so.



April 25, 2021


This fact is grotesquely overlooked. The medical examiner for the state testified in the Chauvin trial – “George Floyd had enough fentanyl in him to kill three grown men” or two Stacey Abrams. The second part was not from his testimony.

He also testified “one of the symptoms of fentanyl overdose is shortness of breath”.

OUR WHOLE JUSTICE SYSTEM IS ON TRIAL! January 20, 2022 – Chauvin was found guilty and sentenced! It has been shown that members of the jury were tampered with!



Releasing rioters,

Pulling police and not enforcing the law,

Convicting obviously innocent people,

Providing injunctions for bribes,

Murdering the elderly by placing sick people in nursing homes,

Continuing to require masks when it has been proven they do not work on viruses and do cause serious illness,

Continuing lockdown requirements when there is no pandemic,

Pushing vaccines which are ineffective and eventually cause susceptibility to, or create fatal diseases,




May 9, 2021

A friend of mine wrote to a cruse liner company he frequents and now requires a vaccine passport.

NCL Corporation :


Please know my wife and I are both past Customers

and NCL Latitude Members and my # ********.


Know your Corporate decision to restrict Customers

who DO NOT subject themselves to taking Experimental

Vaccines, that have never been Approved for use by the FDA

and has ONLY been given Emergency Use Authorization, is not

based on Factual Science but Politics.


Before you make such Corporate Decisions, your CEO and other

Executives need to do your homework about these Experimental

and Unapproved Vaccines, and I am certain you will find through

Numerous Legitimate Medical Sources that these so-called Vaccines

DO NOT prevent anyone from getting COVID and may help spread

COVID by shedding and also may cause severe future medical issues.


By proposing that ALL Customers must show proof of Vaccination goes

against peoples Free Will and Choice and also by making this a requirement

for travel, this may go against the Nuremberg Code, and know about 40,000

Attorneys are now attempting to establish new Nuremberg Trials concerning

such requirements of vaccination and that these Vaccines are dangerous to

Humanity. Never in the History of pharmaceuticals and vaccines has any drug

or vaccine with such high numbers of adverse reactions and deaths reported

to the VAER System, been allowed to continue to be used. This should alarm

all the people by itself.


Also, please go to the CDC's website and see for yourself that the Total Number

of Deaths in the U.S. from ALL causes in 2020 DOES NOT reflect the

500,000+ Deaths we have been told COVID caused, and the 2019, 2018, 2017, etc.

numbers are all in line with 2020, so please explain this.


Understand that the cure rated for people under 70 years old is 99.9x % and

those 70 or older is around 95%. It has now been shown that the high cycle

numbers (35 to 40) used by the PCR Tests caused 97% FALSE POSITIVES, so

the Infection and Death Numbers are about 3% of what the CDC and MSM is telling

people, which is nothing more than fear mongering.


Also understand, per Stanford Medical's recent released Scientific Study, MASKS

DO NOT and never did work and the COVID virus passes through even N95 Masks,

and Masks cause numerous medical problems for people. The CDC and Dr. Fauci

have only told people to wear masks based on their OPINIONS and NEVER Scientific

Facts and Studies and have never produced any Study or fact that shows masks work.


If this were true that masks work, then ask yourself, Why haven't we been wearing Masks

every Flu season, since COVID is another form of Flu virus? The answer is simple, unless

you wear a Level 3 or 4 Full Body Hazard Suit that is self contained, you can not stop a

virus with a mask of any kind being used by people, and there are numerous types of

masks being used, including homemade.


Again, I ask you to do your homework before making a wrongful decision that NCL may

regret in the future, especially considering the Nuremberg Code requirements and the

true Facts about COVID, and by going down this path of requiring a Vaccine Passport,

NCL may open themselves as other Corp[orations as well may, to future litigation by making

this a requirement for travel.


Know my wife and I will never subject ourselves to any Experimental COVID Vaccine,

and so that means we more than likely will never travel again with NCL if you impose

this new requirement.




May 13, 2021

Don’t lose focus!


We, the USA, are currently involved in an attack on the United States from several countries, and within, to overthrow our government and take us from a republic to a totalitarian socialist government. Step one was to get control of people through a desire to prevent others from getting sick and fear of getting sick, a fake pandemic was used. Second step was to use the plandemic emergency conditions to control the 2020 election and overthrow the duly elected president. This was done during the election with hacked voting machines and after the election with fake paper votes. Step three was to provide a fake executive branch of the government with the help of MSM. This government is fake because it was not the one elected by the people. This fake government is installing many changes leading to a totalitarian socialist government via executive order. Many people are becoming aware of the effects of the EO’s and starting to realize the goals of these efforts. Proof of the election attack is mounting up to irrefutable conclusions. Many people are being arrested or forced to resign. The leaders of this attack are trying to draw public attention away from the illegal and treasonous acts leading to their control of our country.


It began with riots in many cities by organizations sponsored by George Soros. After the election the shootings started and still continue. Now the facts are about to come out in Arizona starting of wars has been tried. First in China, then in Russia. Currently, Israel is the most successful attempt and may succeed. At this time, none of these events matter. They are all initiated by the same group of people who will be disassembled by the military and our executive branch of government once the executive branch is restored and our judicial and legislative branches are purged of the same evil people (not bad people or people on the other side of the political isle but EVIL people who are participating in pedophilia, drug trafficking, human trafficking and money laundering of our tax dollars) who have also committed treason (this is what fraud is called when it is used to overthrow the government). As shown by the actions since January of the executive branch, our country and the world has no hope of freedom and fairness if the fraudulent election is accepted. Keep your eyes on what is happening in AZ and the other 5 swing states to see if the election can be restored legally or if military action is going to be required. These other things are disastrous and disturbing but, DON’T LOSE FOCUS ON THE ROOT CAUSE!





May 26, 2021


Just thinking-

The Chinese biological laboratory in Wuhan is owned by Glaxosmithkline, which (accidentally) owns Pfizer!" (the one who makes the vaccine against the virus which was (accidentally) started at the Wuhan Biological Lab and which was (accidentally) funded by Dr. Fauci, who (accidentally) promotes the vaccine!

"GlaxoSmithKline is (accidentally) managed by the finance division of Black Rock, which (accidentally) manages the finances of the Open Foundation Company (Soros Foundation), which (accidentally) manages the French AXA!

"Soros (accidentally) owns the German company Winterthur, which (accidentally) built a Chinese laboratory in Wuhan and was bought by the German Allianz, which (coincidentally) has Vanguard as a shareholder, who (coincidentally) is a shareholder of Black Rock," which (coincidentally) controls central banks and manages about a third of global investment capital.

"Black Rock" is also (coincidentally) a major shareholder of MICROSOFT, owned by Bill Gates, who (coincidentally) is a shareholder of Pfizer (which - remember? Sells a miracle vaccine) and (coincidentally) is now the first sponsor of the 'WHO!

Now you understand how a dead bat sold in a wet market in China has infected the WHOLE PLANET!"



May 28, 2021

It has become a lot easier and much faster to review the daily articles in search of facts to put on CURRENT EVENTS. First and foremost “are these facts that are backed up?”. Next, “are they verified by reputable sources”? These two questions require a lot of time to answer. Lately, much of the “news” is just either a replay of what has been posted here three or more times or is the same song, second verse. In short, the evidence has been provided many times from many directions that:

1.     The current executive and judicial branches of the government were put in office and/or are controlled by a group of elite, wealthy and evil (not just bad, these people promote organized child & adult trafficking, organ harvesting, adrenochrome, drug trafficking, illegal gun sales, wars….) people who want a one world government with them at the top positions.

2.     #1 was done by creating a “Plandemic” used to assist in the fraudulent/treasonous election. The “plandemic” was created by a false test, bribing hospitals to falsely record deaths, providing false propaganda on MSM and using our government officials to persuade people to take extreme measures to avoid an illness proven by government records (CDC records produced in June and removed in July 2020) not to be anything more than the normal “flu” season. We will look back in history and wonder - How could we have been so gullible and stupid?

3.     The “plandemic” laid the groundwork for changing election rules.

The remaining questions are:
Why do we need a vaccine which is in the same order of magnitude for side effects and deaths as the disease that is not much more than a normal flu?
Will the vaccine disturb our immune system as many doctors are saying at the risk of losing their jobs or license?

4.     Electronic manipulation of voting records was the treasonous bedrock of the election fraud determining the election outcome.

5.     Many of the current executive positions are being “played” by other people. It has been proven by photo evidence they are replaced.

Facts we know about this situation are:
The Alliance is very aware of their removal. The Alliance removed them!
The Alliance (Trump is their face to the public) are very aware of the stand-ins (ankle bracelets!).
The MSM and alternate media are having a field day with hideous actions by elite they have previously reported being executed, twice.

The remaining questions about this are:
Who put the actors in?
Who is giving them their orders?

6.     The elite/Cabal is trying to start world war III as a kinetic war. We are currently in WWIII but it is a propaganda, digital and political war. The posturing of China, Russia, Hamas and Israel are just a few of the typical distractions being provided by the Cabal. I typically ignore those and keep my eyes on Arizona. When those results come out we will see the beginning of the removal of the source of all the above conflicts.


I have served on several juries and the following facts were proven to me:


1.     More than 60% of the average Americans cannot parse the facts presented nor supply logical conclusions from them.

2.     More than 30% have a preconditioned response to the trial they will not vacate easily. They need to be led by the hand and made to FEEL they are seeing a better response. Facts have little to do with it.

3.     If each person provides his best efforts at guiding the decision with facts and logic (whatever that means to them) a correct decision will be reached. But, it takes a lot of time!


We have all been serving on a jury for nearly five years now and we are out of time. That 30+% with a preconditioned response will never choose to wake up and see the evil. There will always be some reasoning (I just don’t believe that……) for sticking to their decision to support the people representing them. Trying to convince them is no longer a valid argument. As President Trump said “It has to do with immediacy. By 2022 they will have everything done and we won’t be able to undo it”.


It is time for action. The AZ results will kick it off! So what am I posting information on:

The remaining questions above, AZ results and President Trumps return!





May 28, 2021


It has become a lot easier and much faster to review the daily articles in search of facts to POST. I ASK MYSELF: First and foremost “are these facts that are backed up?”. Next, “are they verified by reputable sources”? These two questions require a lot of time to answer. Lately, much of the “news” is just either a replay of what has been posted here three or more times or is the same song, second verse. In short, the evidence has been provided many times from many directions that:

1.     The current executive and judicial branches of the government were put in office and/or are controlled by a group of elite, wealthy and evil (not just bad, these people promote organized child & adult trafficking, organ harvesting, adrenochrome, drug trafficking, illegal gun sales, wars….) people who want a one world government with them at the top positions.

2.     #1 was done by creating a “Plandemic” used to assist in the fraudulent/treasonous election. The “plandemic” was created by a false test, bribing hospitals to falsely record deaths, providing false propaganda on MSM and using our government officials to persuade people to take extreme measures to avoid an illness proven by government records (CDC records produced in June and removed in July 2020) not to be anything more than the normal “flu” season. We will look back in history and wonder - How could we have been so gullible and stupid?

3.     The “plandemic” laid the groundwork for changing election rules.

The remaining questions are:
1. Why do we need a vaccine which is in the same order of magnitude for side effects and deaths as the disease that is not much more than a normal flu?

2. Will the vaccine disturb our immune system as many doctors are saying at the risk of losing their jobs or license?

3. Electronic manipulation of voting records was the treasonous bedrock of the election fraud determining the election outcome.

4. Many of the current executive positions are being “played” by other people. It has been proven by photo evidence they are replaced.

Facts we know about this situation are:
1. The Alliance is very aware of their removal. The Alliance removed them!
2. The Alliance (Trump is their face to the public) are very aware of the stand-ins (ankle bracelets!).
3. The MSM and alternate media are having a field day with hideous actions by elite they have previously reported being executed, twice.

The remaining questions about this are:
1. Who put the actors in?
2. Who is giving them their orders?

3. The elite/Cabal is trying to start world war III as a kinetic war. We are currently in WWIII but it is a propaganda, digital and political war. The posturing of China, Russia, Hamas and Israel are just a few of the typical distractions being provided by the Cabal. I typically ignore those and keep my eyes on Arizona. When those results come out will we see the beginning of the removal of the source of all the above conflicts? . January 20, 2022 – Note: The answer was no!


I have served on several juries and the following facts were proven to me:


1.     More than 60% of the average Americans cannot parse the facts presented nor supply logical conclusions from them.

2.     More than 30% have a preconditioned response to the trial they will not vacate easily. They need to be led by the hand and made to FEEL they are seeing a better response. Facts have little to do with it.

3.     If each person provides his best efforts at guiding the decision with facts and logic (whatever that means to them) a correct decision will be reached. But, it takes a lot of time!


We have all been serving on a jury for nearly five years now and we are out of time. That 30+% with a preconditioned response will never choose to wake up and see the evil. There will always be some reasoning (I just don’t believe that……) for sticking to their decision to support the people representing them. Trying to convince them is no longer a viable argument. As President Trump said “It has to do with immediacy. By 2022 they will have everything done and we won’t be able to undo it”.


It is time for action. The AZ results will kick it off! So what am I posting information on:

The remaining questions above, AZ results and President Trumps return!




June 15, 2021

A year ago I published an article proving the deaths in the USA from all sources were less than deaths from all sources in 2017 and 2018 for the same period. The inescapable conclusion was that covid19 was not any worse than the normal flu season and deaths from means other than covid were being reported as deaths from covid19. 2 months later I tried to update the report. I went back to the CDC site to pull up the original data I had used and it was gone. These are standard reports that have been produced by CDC every month for many many years. Suddenly, there was a gap in the reports for 2020! The reports were replaced with a chart showing 200,000 excessive deaths in the same period. This number was used by politicians and MSM to prove how dangerous covid 19 was. Fortunately, I had saved some of the data from CDC I had previously used. When I compared their new chart to their data it did not match. The chart was a complete lie! The following video is providing details of more falsification of the numbers. The people in the CDC doing this are working with the perpetrators of the Covid Hoax and trying to control our nation with fear. This has paved the way to election fraud and ousting President Trump from the Executive branch. This amounts to Crimes Against Humanity and Treason!



June 17, 2021

vaccines and the Alliance agenda

I just finished watching https://www.bitchute.com/video/h3SkqqDIK44V/ Michelle Fielding and Nicolas Veniamin 6/16/2021. I cannot prove what is being said. Much of this is very new information. I can say that everything she says is strongly supported by every piece of information I have acquired so far. You may not catch or understand many of the concepts she is talking about and she will sound a little “new age” to you. Every spiritual reference she makes is supported by proven science if you dig deep enough.



JUNE 28, 2021

Interesting tie between building in Florida and strike against Iranian militia on Iraq/Syria border.



JUNE 29, 2021




See June 28 - Interesting tie between building in Florida and strike against Iranian militia on Iraq/Syria border article suggesting tie between building collapse and military strike.


Every once in a while I have my thoughts clarified by hind-sight which is 20-20. In 2001 I was in a meeting with 15 or 20 other engineers/managers discussing development of a large power plant we later designed and built in California. There was so much noise in the foyer we could not carry on so we adjourned to the foyer to see what was going on. We learned an airplane had struck the WTC and arrived in time to see the second plane strike. Later, the buildings fell! I had spent most of my life as a engineer dealing with physical actions, reactions, structural engineering, mechanical design as well as electrical engineering. My first thought when the buildings fell was “BUILDINGS DO NOT FALL THAT WAY NATURALLY”. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR A TALL STRUCTURE TO FALL IN ITS OWN FOOT PRINT UNLESS IT IS MECHANICALLY DEMOLISHED BY EXPLOSIVES OR OTHER FAST ACTING MEANS. THE FORCES CANNOT BE BALANCED NATURALLY AND WILL CAUSE A DEFLECTION TO ONE SIDE OR THE OTHER. The first time I saw the video of the building in Florida collapse the same thought plus the two adjoining sections could remain undamaged only if there was an external force eliminating stresses from the falling building.




July 2, 2021





What do you make of Bejamin Fulford and others statements that things are really okay in the world and

we are all going to live happily ever after?  I don't buy this utopia? Do you? Doesn't track with what I've been

given through various sources.





BF is not saying things are ok. But, is saying this is what is trying to be done. These are the goals I have been hearing about for years. It appears we are a little closer than we have been to reaching them. This sounds like four or five things we can just go do all at once and be done with it. The reality is that there is an order these will have to be done in and some of them can take up to two years to reach the average person like me. The real catch in trying to deal with the Cabal is; we are dealing with Satan and his evil followers. If we cut the head off this snake there is already one in place to carry on. At the lower level, close to half the people on Earth only want to know “What is in it for me?”. It is the desire for power, control and success of the bottom line that created this situation. Only changing that mindset for the majority of the people to “How can I best help others?” will we conquer Satan. Only by eliminating graft and bribery and crime will we eliminate the evil people.


The goals BF is talking about are being worked on by the Alliance. Many things have been put into place for reaching these goals. The quantum computer is functional with block-chain security and the ability to monitor all major world financial transactions with the artificial intelligence to detect graft, bribes and payoffs. Every banking system in the world will need to be on this system with a common rate of exchange. I don’t believe this can be implemented all at once even though the system already exists. As long as there is as much political war as there is now it would be difficult to start. NSARA/GESARA and Jubilee can only be implemented after this quantum financial system (QFS) is implemented. It will never be implemented by the Cabal. To start the ball rolling we must have a government formed by people wanting to implement these changes (white hats/Alliance). This will start in the USA with the reinstallation of Trump in the executive branch. This could have happened any time after January 20th but it would appear that Trump was just a sore loser. Four years later we would start getting back to where we are now. Trump will not “PUBLICALLY” take over the executive branch until the majority of the public demands it. Then the military will step in and install the proper authorities. BEFORE ANY OF THIS CAN START THE ARIZONA AUDIT MUST BE MADE PUBLIC. January 20, 2022 – Note: It did not help!


It will take a whole generation (40 years) to rid ourselves of this resident evil attitude. It won’t happen all at once but will slowly grow in our hearts, minds and attitudes until our very nature is “It would be a horrible deed if I took unfair advantage of people and others would think less of me; and I would too”.


Note: EVERYTHING we are watching right now in the USA is a show. (I DID NOT LIKE OR UNDERSTAND THIS PHRASE UNTIL I FOUND OUT HALF THE PEOPLE PUTTING ON THE SHOW ARE DEAD AND WHAT WE SEE ARE ACTORS) Does it make any sense that Biden would order a strike on Iranian forces on the Iraq/Syrian border? Do you even think he could? The military won’t even let him enter the Pentagon! Who is the only one that could order that strike? Who do you think WOULD order a Soleimani-type strike in answer to the demolition of the Florida building?



July 4, 2021


I don’t believe the public will wake up to the vax effects until next February or March. I think I have become cynical of human nature. I think the vax reactions will be played down due to the stake Trump had in their development and issuance. In fact, I don’t see how the Alliance can explain providing the actors in our government, under their control, and their actions. In short, I don’t believe there will be an explanation and the TRUTH will never be told. When 1/3 of the population is dying off people will realize who cannot be trusted. This is when the world will change. This tragedy caused by the Cabal (people will then realize there is a Cabal) will be pointed to in history as the reason we need transparency and unselfish people in government.


The election fraud will be the key to putting Trump back into office and will probably start around August. September (January 20, 2022 – Note: It did not help!)will bring more open tribunals. I don’t expect the trials will make MSM. This is and will be relegated and leaked to the alternate news. By January and February the lid will not be able to stay on the vax deaths. This is when the whole world will wake up to what is going on and never accept anything but transparency in government again. This is when major changes in our government will occur and the QFS implemented. I only can hope an antidote or med beds is being prepared to counter the effects.



JULY 10, 2021


Conspiracy Theory until it is Conspiracy FACT

There are only three (3) countries on this planet whose government officials refused to accept the COVID-19 vaccine from the World Health Organization: Burundi, Tanzania, and Haiti. The officials in those countries who declined the vax were Presidents in each of those countries. In Burundi it was President Pierre Nkurunziza All three of those Presidents are now DEAD; Coincidence? What are the odds of these three particular men, all dying in office . . . and the only thing they have in common is that they refused to accept the vaccine for their countries?

To many people, their deaths look like murder; although the one in Haiti was straight up murder, he was assassinated by men with guns.



Many people have speculated that the entire COVID-19 was a staged, intentionally deadly attack on humanity itself. There are people on this planet who believe that humanity itself is like a virus against the planet.  They believe humanity is destroying the planet and so, they continue, humanity must be culled. Many of those people are in positions of great power and wealth. It is thought by a large number of people that the so-called "vaccine" for COVID-19 is the method by which these people have decided to cull humanity. So, the theory goes, they hyped a "novel coronavirus" which is shown to have a 99.6% SURVIVAL RATE, as a reason to get a new, untested, unproven "vaccine."   The trouble is, this vaccine does not use active or even attenuated virus in it, but instead uses mRNA technology, which has never been used as a "vaccine" anywhere on the planet, ever before. Many, many people have already DIED after getting this "vaccine" and hundreds-of-thousands are severely injured, some permanently disabled, after getting it. If this theory about using a vaccine to cull humanity is true, would the people perpetrating it even hesitate to murder three Presidents? And if they're willing to murder Presidents, would they even think twice about murdering YOU?




 July 11, 2021

The following article is backed by tons of evidence and research. There are pages of discussion available on each statement. If you have questions about it please CONTACT US.

www.newbookinc.com/PROPHECY/End times prophecies coming true.htm



July 15, 2021



30% of the voters in the US would vote again for Biden and take the vaccine. That fact is depressing. Almost as depressing as only 40% of the voters in the US disapprove of the vaccine and how the nation is being run. These %’s are of the active voters (minus the dead ones) which accounts for 65% of the nation. Adjusted %’s are .3 x 65=19.5% and .4 x 65 = 26% for a total of 45.5%. This leaves 54.5% who either don’t have time to form an opinion or just don’t give a damn. Everyone who is capable of making up their mind and coming up with a truthful answer has at this point. The majority, 54.5%, of the people will be sheeple and believe what is placed in front of them. IT IS TIME FOR THE ALLIANCE TO ACT AND PRESENT THE CASE TO THESE PEOPLE! 80.5% OF THE PEOPLE (54.5% + 26%) IN THE US WILL FOLLOW THEM. If we wait over one month longer we will be losing ground in the battle.



July 16, 2021 -  This lady has more courage and determination than anyone I know of except maybe Trump. She has been in this country for 35 years. She is an MD. She is very active in her church. She has placed her license and livelihood on the line in order to serve others.

Years ago, secular prophecies predicted we would have religious revivals and rallies. They also predicted a “spiritual” intervention to defeat Lucifer. The rallies are in progress and she is starting the revivals. These are not revivals to promote a church or preachers. This is a spiritual revival to ask for our Heavenly Father’s help. The presentation is a little long but is worth the effort and time. What she has to say reaches the core of Current Events.  Brighteon


More info - Mount Camel Prayer and Revival Ranch – Welcome to Dr. Stella Immanuel MD (drstellamd.com)

(yes, the “R” is missing from Carmel)






JANUARY 22, 2022




This week I introduced an important piece of legislation - the No Mandates for Healthcare Workers Act. This bill prevents healthcare workers from being fired due to their vaccine status, reversing Biden's unconstitutional mandate. 

I also attended the March for Life in Washington D.C. this Friday to advocate for just that - LIFE. We must fight for life until the fight is won. 

Remember, if you are having a problem with a federal agency, please do not hesitate to reach out to my offices. Helping constituents with casework is one of my top priorities in Congress and I have a full team in Houston and Washington, D.C. ready to assist you.




To continue receiving updates like this, sign up for my E-Newsletter here.



The Cabal is backing off! This is not the time to accept a truce but to push harder. They realize we, the world, will not take any more right now. Riots and demonstrations are everywhere, except USA. NOW is the time to close the loop and replace the people who have misrepresented us!

CDC has stated natural immunity for covid is stronger than vaccine.

The U.K. drops mask mandates and vax pass orders — what do Canadians think? 1-22-22 Rebel News (bitchute.com)






February 22, 2022


I don't like writing disparaging remarks about people who try to promote thought and positive interest. I don't mind writing disparaging remarks about people whose actions are deliberately phony. I do not know if JFK, Jr. is alive or dead. But, I do know his name is being used to lead people and is currently a commercial item for coins and medicine. Durham, Flynn, Trump, RFK, Jr. and several others have been used for the same purposes this fall. The most disappointing act of all is the announcement of the identity for JFK, Jr. for September, January 17th and January 27th. 3 strikes and you’re out! Much has been PUBLISHED about the destruction of the DUMBS, saving of the children, rigging of elections and covid. No tangible proof has been provided except the Arizona audit, from which, no action resulted. What truths do we know?

1.    The inauguration of the actor known as Joe Biden was a fake cinematic production.

2.    The signatures on current EO's and Mandates are easily identified as NOT Joe Biden's.

3.    No one is living in the White House.

4.    The presidential election was rigged.

5.    The whole world went into a "PLANDEMIC" simultaneously. NO world-wide effort has ever been that coordinated.

6.    "Covid-19" is the name of a plan to implement a lock-down and distribute vaccines. SARS-COV-2 is the disease. The disease and vaccine were patented between 2005 and 2015.

7.    The development of the disease and vaccine was led by Dr. Fauci and funded through Bill Gates. When it was declared illegal the development and implementation was moved to China but still funded with American Taxpayer dollars.

8.    The Americans and Chinese would never approve or willingly fund such an effort. This was an international effort. WHO coordinated/supported this? (hint - this was not a question)

9.    The test for Covid was a fake and used to promote the Plandemic. Unhealthy foreign materials were found in test swabs. There was NO need to have a LONG swab. This leads to the question of "was the test gathering information or supplying material?"

10.  Data about the Covid deaths and it's vaccine deaths is skewed in positive and negative directions. However the facts are clear that not as many people died from Covid as was published and more have died from the vaccine than was required to remove it from the market. When the total number of deaths for the year 2020 is compared to total number of deaths of previous years there is not an outstanding difference. This implies deaths from other causes were reported as deaths from Covid. This was later confirmed by the CDC. Why was the vaccine not removed from the market when it was proven to have negative results greater than CDC published standards?

11.  The United Nations has implemented the "Smart Cities" pact allowing foreign troops to come into a city and "assist/provide" police protection. Many US cities have joined this pact allowing UN troops to be placed on US soil and act in a military way. This has already occurred in a small way in Australia.

12.  The fires in Paradise, Ca. a few years ago were started by High Energy Laser Weapons ( https://www.aerodefensetech.com/component/content/article/adt/features/articles/37108 ). It is impossible for a forest fire on a street to become hot enough to melt steel and even more impossible for a fire to do that and not damage the car next to it only a few feet away. Multiple cases of this were observed in the fire.

13.  HAARP ( https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/what-is-haarp/ ) has been and is being used to generate damaging weather and other "natural" disasters.

14. Many evil deeds have been lain at the feet of elite bureaucrats and no accountability is visible. This is the only fact that supports the White-Hat's story that secret tribunals are being conducted.


Aerodefensetech (https://www.aerodefensetech.com/component/content/article/adt/features/articles/37108)

High-Energy Laser Weapon Systems




 What is said in the following has been proven to be factual!


January 26, 2022

Dr. Zalenko’s opinion (and mine)


Doctor’s Organization Has Treated Over 150,000 COVID-19 Patients With 99.99 Percent Survival (theepochtimes.com)  PUBLIC HEALTH INFORMATION

Doctor’s Organization Has Treated Over 150,000 COVID-19 Patients With 99.99 Percent Survival

'Early Treatment Works, Period'

By Meiling Lee 

January 26, 2022 Updated: January 26, 2022

A doctor who has been offering free telehealth

 services to COVID-19 patients during the pandemic says that early treatment for COVID-19 works, claiming that he has a 99.99 percent survival rate.

“We have a team of volunteer free doctors that donate their time to help treat these patients that come to us,” Dr. Ben Marble, the founder of myfreedoctor.com, an online medical consultation service, said at a roundtable discussion hosted by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) on Jan. 24.

He added, “We deliver the early treatment protocols to them as early as we can, and we have a 99.99 percent survival rate. So, I believe myfreedoctor.com, the free volunteered doctors have settled the science on this—early treatment works, period!”

Marble was answering Johnson’s question about what people can do if they or their loved ones have COVID-19.

People can visit the website myfreedoctor.com, create an account, and fill out a patient intake form if the doctors are accepting new patients for that day. One of the doctors will then reach out in less than 24 hours. With a huge demand for their services, the physicians say they can only “accept a certain number of patients each day.”

Marble says that he and his small team of volunteer doctors prescribe [Dr. Peter] McCullough’s treatment protocol, which consists of hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, monoclonal antibodies, prednisone, and other low-cost generic drugs. They also prescribe vitamins D and C, and zinc.

McCullough, a cardiologist, and epidemiologist, along with several physicians put together an early treatment protocol to provide outpatient care for COVID-19 patients. Their paper was published in The American Journal of Medicine in August 2020.

Dr. Pierre Kory, a pulmonologist and the President at the Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care (FLCCC) Alliance, says that the public is not aware that there are doctors across the country who will provide telehealth and early treatment for COVID-19.

“On our website, we have a button, which says find a provider. We’ve tried to collect as many telehealth providers that treat all states in the country,” Kory said.

“We are trying to let that message be known because that message is being suppressed that this disease is treatable,” he added.

Kory also claims that there is corruption at the federal level in suppressing early treatment with repurposed cheap drugs and their availability and that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has been “captured by the pharmaceutical industry.”

“The corruption is because they don’t want you to use off-label, repurposed generic medicines. It does not provide profit to the system,” Kory said, adding that, “you know what’s going on in this country right now, is that the CDC has been captured by the pharmaceutical industry.”

“They sent out a memo in August of 2021, they sent out a similar memo back in the spring 2020, telling the nation’s physicians and pharmacists not to use generic medicines.”

The Epoch Times has reached out to the CDC for comment.

Early treatments were and continue to be discouraged by the CDC, whose guidance since the beginning of the pandemic up until January 2022, only focused on people self-quarantining for 14 days, keeping hydrated, taking analgesics, and only seeking hospital care when they can’t breathe or turn blue. They also warned people to not take any medications not approved for COVID-19.

“People have been seriously harmed and even died after taking products not approved for use to treat or prevent COVID-19, even products approved or prescribed for other uses,” the CDC wrote on its potential treatments webpage.

The weblink provided for the alleged harmful product was related to a March 2020 health alert warning of a serious health effect from ingesting non-pharmaceutical chloroquine phosphate used to clean fish tanks. This alert came after an Arizona man and his wife took the non-pharmaceutical drug in an attempt to self-medicate for COVID-19.

For the past two years, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has only authorized limited early outpatient treatments for COVID-19 that include monoclonal antibodies for high-risk patients and antiviral pills from Merck and Pfizer. However, the FDA on Jan. 24 announced it was limiting the use of Eli Lilly and Regeneron monoclonal antibodies only to patients “likely to have been infected with or exposed to a variant that is susceptible to these treatments.”

Johnson held the roundtable discussion to offer a different perspective on the response to the pandemic, including on “the current state of knowledge of early and hospital treatment, vaccine efficacy and safety, what went right, what went wrong, what should be done now, and what needs to be addressed long term.”

The discussion panel consisted of renowned health experts and scientists that included McCullough, Dr. Robert Malone, and Dr. Paul Marik.

According to a press release, Johnson also invited over a dozen prominent figures involved in developing, promoting, and leading the pandemic response, including the CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky and White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator Jeffrey Zients. All of the individuals declined to attend the forum.

January 28, 2022

 By Roy King


I don't like writing disparaging remarks about people who try to promote thought and positive interest. I don't mind writing disparaging remarks about people who's actions are deliberately phony. I do not know if JFK, Jr. is alive or dead. But, I do know his name is being used to lead people and is currently a commercial item for coins and medicine. Durham, Flynn, Trump, RFK, Jr. and several others have been used for the same purposes this fall. The most disappointing act of all is the announcement of the identity for JFK, Jr. for September, January 17th and January 27th. 3 strikes and your out! Much has been PUBLISHED about the destruction of the DUMBS, saving of the children, rigging of elections and covid. No tangible proof has been provided except the Arizona audit, from which, no action resulted. What truths do we know?

1.    The inauguration of the actor known as Joe Biden was a fake cinematic production.

2.    The signatures on current EO's and Mandates are easily identified as NOT Joe Biden's.

3.    No one is living in the White House.

4.    The presidential election was rigged.

5.    The whole world went into a "PLANDEMIC" simultaneously. NO world-wide effort has ever been that coordinated.

6.    "Covid-19" is the name of a plan to implement a lock-down and distribute vaccines. SARS-COV-2 is the disease. The disease and vaccine were patented between 2005 and 2015.

7.    The development of the disease and vaccine was led by Dr. Fauci and funded through Bill Gates. When it was declared illegal the development and implementation was moved to China but still funded with American Taxpayer dollars.

8.    The Americans and Chinese would never approve or willingly fund such an effort. This was an international effort. WHO coordinated/supported this? (hint - this was not a question)

9.    The test for Covid was a fake and used to promote the Plandemic. Unhealthy foreign materials were found in test swabs. There was NO need to have a LONG swab. This leads to the question of "was the test gathering information or supplying material?"

10.  Data about the Covid deaths and it's vaccine deaths is skewed in positive and negative directions. However the facts are clear that not as many people died from Covid as was published and more have died from the vaccine than was required to remove it from the market. When the total number of deaths for the year 2020 is compared to total number of deaths of previous years there is not an outstanding difference. This implies deaths from other causes were reported as deaths from Covid. This was later confirmed by the CDC. Why was the vaccine not removed from the market when it was proven to have negative results greater than CDC published standards?

11.  The United Nations has implemented the "Smart Cities" pact allowing foreign troops to come into a city and "assist/provide" police protection. Many US cities have joined this pact allowing UN troops to be placed on US soil and act in a military way. This has already occurred in a small way in Australia.

12.  The fires in Paradise, Ca. a few years ago were started by High Energy Laser Weapons . (https://www.aerodefensetech.com/component/content/article/adt/features/articles/37108 ). It is impossible for a forest fire on a street to become hot enough to melt steel and even more impossible for a fire to do that and not damage the car next to it only a few feet away. Multiple cases of this were observed in the fire.

13.  HAARP ( https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/what-is-haarp/ ) has been and is being used to generate damaging weather and other "natural" disasters.

14. Many evil deeds have been lain at the feet of elite bureaucrats and no accountability is visible. This is the only fact that supports the White-Hat's story that secret tribunals are being conducted.


By  Megan Redshaw,  28 Jan 2022.

Nearly 35,000 Reports of COVID Vaccine Injuries Among 5- to 17 Year-Olds, CDC Data Shows.

VAERS data released Friday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention included a total of 1,071,856 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID vaccines, including 22,607 deaths and 178,994 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020, and Jan. 21, 2022.



The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) today released new data showing a total of 1,071,856 reports of adverse events following COVID vaccines were submitted between Dec. 14, 2020, and Jan. 21, 2022, to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). VAERS is the primary government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S.  The data included a total of 22,607 reports of deaths - an increase of 414 over the previous week - and 178,994 reports of serious injuries, including deaths, during the same time period - up 4,130 compared with the previous week.


Excluding "foreign reports" to VAERS, 740,000 adverse events, including 10,316 deaths and 67,496 serious injuries, were reported in the U.S. between Dec. 14, 2020, and Jan. 21, 2022.

Foreign reports are reports foreign subsidiaries send to U.S. vaccine manufacturers. Under U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations, if a manufacturer is notified of a foreign case report that describes an event that is both serious and does not appear on the product's labeling, the manufacturer is required to submit the report to VAERS.


Of the 10,316 U.S. deaths reported as of Jan. 21, 19% occurred within 24 hours of vaccination, 24% occurred within 48 hours of vaccination and 61% occurred in people who experienced an onset of symptoms within 48 hours of being vaccinated.  In the U.S., 532.4 million COVID vaccine doses had been administered as of Jan. 21, including 312 million doses of Pfizer, 202 million doses of Moderna and 19 million doses of Johnson & Johnson (J&J).


U.S. VAERS Data from Dec. 14, 2020, to Jan. 21, 2022, for 5- to 11 year-olds show:

        *   7,052 adverse events, including 152 rated as serious and 3 reported deaths.

The most recent death involves a 7 year-old girl (VAERS I.D. 1975356) from Minnesota who died 11 days after receiving her first dose of Pfizer's COVID vaccine when she was found unresponsive by her mother. An autopsy is pending.

        *   14 reports of myocarditis and pericarditis (heart inflammation).

        *   24 reports of blood clotting disorders.


U.S. VAERS Data from Dec. 14, 2020, to Jan. 21, 2022, for 12- to 17 year-olds show:

        *   27,772 adverse events, including 1,588 rated as serious and 37 reported deaths.

The most recent deaths involve a 13 year-old male (VAERS I.D. 2042005) from an unidentified state who died from a sudden heart attack seven months after receiving his second dose of Moderna, and a 1 -year-old female from an unidentified state (VAERS I.D. 2039111) who died after receiving her first dose of Moderna. Medical information was limited and it is unknown if an autopsy was performed in either case.

        *   68 reports of anaphylaxis among 12- to 17 year-olds where the reaction was life-threatening, required treatment or resulted in death - with 96% of cases attributed to Pfizer's vaccine.

        *   609 reports of myocarditis and pericarditis with 597 cases attributed to Pfizer's vaccine.

        *   154 reports of blood clotting disorders, with all cases attributed to Pfizer.



February 1, 2022      






Used to shut down ‘vaccine’ depots in 11 cities last week

The historical legitimacy of Common Law courts is beyond question, but the acceptance of their verdicts by the established Bar and government-run judicial cartels and commercial courts, I expected to be a problem.

Frankly, I did not think this would work—but I was wrong.

“Police in Canada, Switzerland, New Zealand, and the Netherlands have joined with ICLCJ Sheriffs to seize the outlawed COVID ‘vaccines’, and arrest convicted criminals.

“Using the January 19 Arrest and Confiscation Warrants issued by the ICLCJ, groups of police, ex-military, and sworn Sheriffs have closed pharmacies and ‘vaccine’ depots in eleven cities this past week.”

But we have a huge obstacle in our way, and it must be removed before our courts can return to law and justice.

In my youth, judges were chosen from among We the People with no requirement of having a monopoly-issued Bar card as a pre-requisite and the system functioned extremely well until that ended in 1979.

The Bar Association coerced the legislature to go as far as outlawing any citizen who is not a member of their junta from even discussing the peoples’ law in my home state of North Carolina.

The Bar now chooses what is taught—and not taught—in law schools, which must be certified by their Bar Association, or closed. With common law courts run by juries and trusted local judges acting as referee rather than ruler, justice can return to our nations, but that can’t happen until the monopolies controlling our law and courts are broken.

When the local Sheriffs and constables—along with some former military and police—joined and aided in the seizure of the ‘vaccines’ in Canada, Switzerland, New Zealand, and the Netherlands last week, this was a turning point.

That authority is historically theirs without question, and they just proved it, using the Common Law Court warrants to seize the poisonous jabs paid for by corrupt federal officials using the peoples’ money—now proven to have killed so many.

Yes. The EU’s latest EudraVigilance database proves it, as well as data forced from the U.S. VAERS database showing over 1 million deaths and injuries following Covid ‘vaccine’.

They were hell bent on killing more people in England until a warrant from another Common Law court in The Hague (the ICC) appeared last week for the arrest of Prime Minister Boris Johnson, his Health Minister, and the heads of the Vanguard poison makers (Pfizer, AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson—all owned by Vanguard).

But when MI6 warned #10 Downing that deputised ‘Sheriffs’ had landed with warrants, a hasty Cabinet meeting was called by the Prime Minister, followed by announcements in Parliament that same day cancelling all mandates and restrictions!

Literally overnight—it stopped—thanks only to Common Law Courts doing the job the commercial Bar-monopoly tribunals refuse to do.

These Common Law Courts and local Constables stopped them in their tracks for what has rightly been deemed a ‘genocide’, and has put the fear of God and We the People into the rest of the tyrant class.

February 13, 2022

The following is treated as opinion but the evidence and testimony is good enough to take it to court; if you could find an honest one!



Grand Jury – The Court of Public Opinion – Day 2 -  Grand Jury | Day 2 (English) (bitchute.com)

Grand Jury – The Court of Public Opinion – Day 3 -  unshackledminds.com

Grand Jury – The Court of Public Opinion – Day 4 -  unshackledminds.com

Grand Jury - The Court of Public Opinion - Day 5 - Economic & Financial Destruction | Grand-Jury.Net (bitchute.com)

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich - Update on Grand Jury (Nuremberg 2.0) | Zeee Media (bitchute.com)

Grand Jury - The Court of Public Opinion - Day 6 - Eugenics & Outlook | Grand-Jury.Net (bitchute.com)


 Brighteon - https://www.brighteon.com/52922e99-2c41-4a1d-bf6d-f4e716eae837
Former Pfizer VP Says The COVID-19 Vaxx Program Is Part Of A Worldwide Conspiracy And A "Criminal Manufacture"

March 16, 2022

BY Roy King

Please view the following two videos, then read the comment.

The first video is of UFO’s reportedly taking out Russian tanks.

The second shows our representative to the UN phasing in and out of human form. This was witnessed by many and is not the first time we have video of alien transformation. Is the first time it was shown on MSM.






It has been publicized for months now the Cabal would provide a fake alien attack for even more distraction from the covid fraud/murder and 2020 election. With the hologram technology we have today this would not be a difficult thing to do. You might be surprised to find out that no airplane hit the 2nd world trade center on 9/11, 2001. For hard instruments we have had high energy laser weapons systems for a long time (HELWS).  We have had antigravity flying machines (TR3B’S) being spotted by the dozens since 1998. Due to the pre-publicity the fake alien attack will not now work. Sooo, what we get now is a real alien representing the USA at the UN and a half dozen Cabal saucers taking out Putin’s tanks. I haven’t heard much about either of these but they are sure to catch on soon. Ukraine is a focal point for the Cabal and they will do whatever it takes to control it. We also have HELWS and UFO’s that can stop theirs. This may get interesting!

March 17, 2022

BY Roy King


We have discussed many times about the 13 families and some of us still have doubts about "is there a Cabal". In the majority of articles I see today (MSM and Alt News) the Cabal is being identified as a group. They may be called by other names, elite, nazis, Kazarian mafia....  Since being called out by Putin in one of their main centers of operation (Ukraine) the articles are getting more specific and placing names with the efforts to control the world. The article above is nothing new except we are now talking about specific families and names in the open and associating them with actual events.

We need to keep in mind that the New World Order has two components, political and evil. The political side is driving toward a world that is well organized and controlled where everyone is "well taken care of". They want to develop our planet and expand our scientific and commercial influence. Everyone will receive what they need. The elite will be in control. They know what is best for us. I know this sounds good to many people and appears to be a viable political view. We may voice our dislike of, vote and protest the political side. but it is not something to go to war over and try to kill each other over unless the proponents of that view try to enforce their views without our consent. The evil side is driving to maintain wealth and power in terms of land, money and influence. In order to maintain this wealth the businesses of human trafficking, wars, drugs and control of governments are used. The evil side is totally without our consent and is dedicated to enforcing their wishes on humanity for their profit. For many years now, there has been a group of people, Alliance across nations, trying to defeat the evil people who were loosely working together. It did not take long to confirm two suspicions about the evil and political sides. At the active (management) level they were mostly formed by the same people and there was a lot more of them than imagined.

When Putin viewed the nation of Ukraine he saw a government controlled by the Cabal and dealing in human trafficking, money laundering and biochemical weapons. Yes, he declared war on this part of the evil Cabal because it was about to gain strength with the help of NATO. There is another part of the Cabal that has been gaining in strength and needs to be neutralized. This part of the Cabal is controlling the USA and we may have a secret weapon to destroy it. The weapon itself was destroyed by the Cabal a couple of years ago. But, it can be rebuilt if we insist on it. There can be no compromising in rebuilding this weapon or an acceptance of a partial rebuild. That weapon is the vote. If this is not done before the next election a kinetic invasion by our own military will be the only way to defeat the Cabal. We are a lot larger and more deeply controlled by the Cabal than Ukraine. However, we have (did have) two advantages - the vote and the second amendment. The vote we lost in 2020. The second amendment we lost this week in the passage of a bill. This passage will lay dormant until it is needed in a few years to confiscate fire arms. Until then we still have them. This is the only obstacle stopping us from looking like Australia.